Thursday, August 12, 2010

Birthday Boy Blueberry Cheesecake Pie!

Parker turned 2 on August 6th!  I tried to sing to him all day and he kept saying no and shaking his hands at me. He was saying "Lacy Birthday!"  I'm assuming he is still remembering Lacy's Birthday party and everyone singing to her. Oh well.

Well his birthday was on a Friday which meant Tanner was gone and Jared was working, so we celebrated on Sunday.  By then he let us sing to him and LOVED it!  He would clap his hands after we finished and yell "Yay!!"  and then ask us to sing it again.  I'm pretty sure we sang at least 8 times before he would blow out the candle.  And yes, the candle is a backwards #5.  It's all I had. 

 I came across this recipe awhile ago and knew Parker would love it.  He eats blueberries with his breakfast at least 4 days a week and has loved all the cheesecakes I have made.  It was a hit.  And I may or may not have eaten all the leftovers the following two days.

As you can tell from the pics I wasn't the only one who loved it!  Here's all the boys enjoying their treat. Carson was just hanging out looking adorable as always!  He will get to enjoy my treats soon enough.
We will also get to celebrate this weekend at my parents house!  It was Kenzie's birthday on the 10th so we are celebrating both kids birthdays.  It will be fun and the kids will get to feel special, which is what it's all about!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

How fun! I can't believe he's two already! So crazy :)