Tuesday, September 28, 2010


.............has two teeth!!!!  He is always so happy and only complains when he's hungry. Last week he was pretty fussy so I knew something was up.  Poor guy, both of his bottom teeth popped through the same day.  Well he's all better, but I'm still adjusting to his razor sharp choppers!  I tried to get a pic of his teeth with no success.  He is almost 6 months old already but that is still WAY sooner than Tanner or Parker got teeth.  I started feeding him rice cereal twice a day and he LOVES it!  If I take to long between bites he cry/yells at me.  Such a cute kiddo I have.  I have the best job in the whole world.  I am loving this time that the boys are little and I am home with them.   It is going by so fast already.  Of course it will be nice when Carson is bigger and can play with Parker but for now I am loving on my little baby boy everyday. X-)

1 comment:

Jacob said...

WHAT a super cutie!!! We miss seeing you guys!!

The Schinks