Our baby, Parker, just turned one! He was born on August 6th,2008 early in the morning. He has been a happy baby since we brought him home from the hospital. He has grown up so fast and continues to make us smile everyday. He has become very independent but is also still a mama's boy.(which I love!)
Parker is such a boy! He climbs on everything, gets into everything, makes noise with everything and throws a fit if he doesn't get what he wants. He even started to pout his lips out when he complains. I can't help but smile. I usually can distract him though with something else pretty fast. Parker started to walk about a week before his birthday and hasn't slowed down since. He is so proud of himself when he is walking or running. He puts his arms up and just laughs nonstop.
Parker is such a happy, active, and loving little boy and we are so grateful to have him in our family! Happy Birthday Parker! You are going to be such a good big brother!
P.S. That's right! I'm pregnant! Tanner found out that we are expecting another little bundle of joy in early April. I wasn't going to put it on our blog yet, but now that Tanner knows I'm sure our whole ward knows and our whole neighborhood and maybe even a few strangers! haha.