So I tried the facebook thing, and now that phase has ended. Don't get me wrong it was fun reading everyone's random posts about whatever's going on but it was consuming me. I would find myself drawn to the computer morning, noon, and night so I wouldn't "miss" anything. I was addicted. So I pulled the plug and am sooo glad I did. I can start living again and stop worrying about everything that is so not important. It was like gossip on the internet. I hope noone is offended if they have a facebook account. I don't think it is bad persay. I'm just saying it's not for me anymore. Besides look at what I can do instead! Sit with my hansdome boys! I am so grateful that I can be a stay at home mommy! It is such a blessing and I love Jared so much for wanting that for our family as well.
She is amazing and all her recipes are sooooo yummy. And the best part is you won't find cream of chicken soup in ANY of her recipes. Can you say casserole. bleh. That stuff is made by the devil. yuck. Here's me in action with my cute apron on that my mom picked up for me on sale at Anthropologie. The funnest store ever, but way out of my budget so Thanks Mom!! I used to think aprons were silly but for how much time I spend in the kitchen it's worth it. My pants aren't covered in flour handprints anymore. X-)
Oh by the way another cooking blog I found is giving away the cutest apron! I want to win it!
Go check it out, they are pretty new but have posted some quick and yummy recipes! And what mom doesn't need some of those! X-) Go to the website and at least see how cute the apron is she made! One day I will add crafty to my description and do nifty sewing projects like that! But until that day I will just envy others talents!
This pic is from easter morning when the boys put on their cute new outfits. Of course they got a little bit of candy too. But the easter bunny in our parts doesn't like sugar high meltdowns! Or secretly eating all the leftover candy and trying to burn it off the next day. haha. By the way my mom gave me her amazing treadmill and I am in love with it! I feel so much better when I carve a little me time out of the day to spend with it. Even if it's just 20 minutes. Yes it's hard to be motivated sometimes but so worth it. I need the energy boost it gives me to keep up with my boys. All 4 of them!
Tata for now! I hope to post on a at least weekly basis from now on. We take so many pics and there is always something going on. And since I am not a scrapbooker, this will help me keep up with everything.
PS. Isn't the header pic of all the boys soooo adorable! I am so blessed!